Wednesday, October 27, 2004

Applied Scholastics

The other day I had an interesting experience using study tech. I was reading something and I just totally didn't get it. I was very annoyed by the sentence and felt frustrated and like just putting the book down and forgetting it.

Then I remembered a bit of study tech, and decided to try out what it said. I looked for a word I didn't fully understand. There it was. In this case it was a physics term - something I had had trouble with in high school physics and college physics and "never needed to understand because I wasn't going to be an engineer."

I checked several dictionaries and finally found the right definition, and it was pure magic -- the section of the book that I disagreed with before now made total sense and I felt great!

As a Scientologist I've used study tech for many years. But study tech has application in studying anything, not just Scientology. Applied Scholastics was established by a Scientologist about 30 years ago to help make study tech available to schools, communities, businesses - anyone who needs to be able to learn and apply what they have learned - which is everybody in this day and age.

A little over a year ago a new campus for Applied Scholastics was opened in Spanish Lake, MO - a town that is part of greater St. Louis. This place is gorgeous. But it is not just the physical qualities of this Applied Scholastics campus that is important - it is the technology they offer.

When I think back to how painful it was to me to go to school -- and I was a good student -- and how much I love studying now, using study tech, I really want to share these techniques with everyone.

is some more information about Applied Scholastics

Delphian School
L. Ron Hubbard and Applied Scholastics
Applied Scholastics Successes
What is Applied Scholastics?
Applied Scholastics Grand Opening
More Information on Applied Scholastics
L. Ron Hubbard and Applied Scholastics - Study Tech
Applied Scholastics -- Improving the Quality of Education
Applied Scholastics - Effective Education with Study Tech
L. Ron Hubbard - Education and Applied Scholastics

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