Monday, September 05, 2005

Volunteer Ministers - Thousands Needed

There are over 300 Scientology Volunteer Ministers helping in Louisianna, Mississippi, Texas and places farther afield where survivors have been sent for shelters (such as Atlanta and Washington D.C) but this is just a drop in the bucket.

Scientolgy  Volunteer Ministers Disaster Relief

Scientology Volunteer Ministers
Hurricane Katrina
Relief Effort

We need thousands volutneers to really handle magnitude of this disaster on a one-on-one basis. Scientologists are doing a brilliant job and acknowledgements keep pouring in but there are millions in need. Please join us. Whether your are a Scientologist or not doesn't matter the slightest. First of all Scientology is a non-denominational religion so anyonecan learn the skills they use to help people. Secondly these guys are experts putting people and not just busy-work but real productive satisfying work that helps people! We will train anyone who wants to help on the special techniques the Scientology Volunteer Ministers are famous for.

They come from Scientology Handbook. If you want more information about Scientollgy Volunteer Ministers I recommend you watch Mr. David Miscavige's speech in the DVD calledThis is Scientology which is available to be viewed at any Scientology church.

If you can't come to help, your dontations are needed. We are paying for the support of 300 volunteers rights now -- their room and board and supplies -- and we don't get any funding for this at all.

You can

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