Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Scientology Church Says San Diego is “Drug-Free Marshals Territory”

Trying to handle the drug problem when a person is dependant on drugs is so expensive and so hard on society and the individual and his or her family.

While it absolutely needs to be done, the work that is being done by groups who work with youngsters to encourage them to stay away from drugs is extremely valuable.

I've spoken before about the work my church does to provide drug education, but I found this cute story on the Scientology anti-drug web site.

The Drug Free Marshals is a program aimed at helping children make sane decisions about their future. As drug abuse affects kids at younger and younger ages, I believe the value of this program, which gets to kids first, is enormous.

The San Diego Drug-Free Marshals attend fairs and other community events and pass out drug-information booklets to let kids know the truth about drugs.

Like the marshals of the Wild West, who were trusted to maintain the safety and security of their territories, the Drug-Free Marshals keep their neighborhoods safe for kids, through informing them of the harmful effects of drugs.

The Church of Scientology of San Diego, provides booklets on the effects of marijuana, heroin, ecstasy and cocaine that provide real examples of the effects of these drugs and are written in language a kid can relate to. Since its inception in 1993, kids from all over the world have taken the Drug-Free Marshals’ pledge that stresses being informed, helping others and setting a good example for other youth. >> more

There is more information about Scientology Anti-Drug activities on the Scientology Effective Solutions site.

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